Well this one comes with a twist! Your world will have a pirate theme to help you and your sims go on adventures like you’ve never experienced before in the franchise. Sims 3 enthusiasts, get ready to pack your bags cause you might be ready for a move! 15. So in this post I’ve organized my picks of the 15 the best worlds/areas/towns that you and your sims can inhabit. In any case, it’ll be interesting to dig into Sims 3 worlds given that you can move around freely, and there aren’t any rabbit hole areas that you can’t visit. This is why many people still prefer to play The Sims 3 over The Sims 4, even though the latest installment of the series has a lot of improvements. This is the one title in the entire franchise that didn’t make you go through loading screens every time you decide to move lots.
The Sims 3 is the go-to game for open-world simulation enthusiasts.